Magnus Lindhe

Enable online changes for QJ71E71

The Mitsubishi QJ71E71 is an ethernet module that can be used to communicate with a Mitsubishi Q-series PLC from an external application. The default setting is however to deny write requests when the PLC is in run mode. In order for external applications to make changes to device registers in the PLC this setting needs to be changed.

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When the Linq Zip method won't do

I recently encountered a problem when I wanted to assign a color to each item of a list. The available colors were limitied to a few but there could be many items. I needed to be able to assign each color to an item and start over when all colors had been assigned.

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VMware Player with 64-bit guest operating system

I was greeted with the following dialong when trying to start a Windows Server 2008 virtual machine in VMware Player on my 64-bit Windows 7 laptop:

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Heads up when using dependency injection with ASP.NET MVC and Web API

ASP.NET MVC 3 and ASP.NET Web API (Beta) uses different but identical interfaces named IDependencyResolver but located in two different namespaces.

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Posting selected rows using jQuery Datatables and ASP.NET MVC

How do you make an ajax call to and ASP.NET MVC controller with the selected rows in a jQuery datatable? Well, this is how I did it.

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Fooling around with Nancy

Nancy first got my attention when I read the announcement by Andreas HÃ¥kansson about a year ago. I thought it was an interesting project but I could not figure out how it would be useful for me at the time. I guess I also did not fully understand the potential of such a framework.

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